Freshly Sliced Boneless Señorio Acorn Fed 100% Ibérico Ham, 100g
Freshly sliced in our Balham Deli.
This DOP Extremadura ibérico de bellota ham is made from animals raised in Extremadura that have fattened on acorns for 10 -12 weeks on the local dehesa and have then been cured in Badajoz for more than 3 years. 100% ibérico.
The end result is a ham with an intense savoury aroma, a complex flavour that combines sweet nuttiness with a salty depth and has a long, lingering aftertaste.
Ideal for sandwiches with crusty bread or pan de coca, tomato and extra virgin olive oil.
For best results, remove from fridge at least 30 minutes before serving.
Please be aware that, depending upon which part of the ham your pack has been sliced from, the proportion of delicious acorn fat to lean meat will vary.